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Название программы: Reduce

Версия: 20091021

Язык: английский

Тип программы: компьютерная алгебра/символьные вычисления

Сайт программы: Reduce

Лицензия: modified BSD

Описание программы

REDUCE is an interactive system for general algebraic computations of interest to mathematicians, scientists and engineers. It has been produced by a collaborative effort involving many contributors. Its capabilities include:

It is often used as an algebraic calculator for problems that are possible to do by hand. However, REDUCE is designed to support calculations that are not feasible by hand. Many such calculations take a significant time to set up and can run for minutes, hours or even days on the most powerful computers.

The current release of REDUCE includes all enhancements and bug fixes through January 1, 2009. It is available for most common computing systems, in some cases in more than one version for the same machine. REDUCE is based on a dialect of Lisp called Standard Lisp, and the differences between versions are the result of different implementations of this Lisp; in each case the source code for REDUCE itself remains the same. The complete source code for REDUCE is available. On-line versions of the manual and other support documents and tutorials are also normally included with the distribution.

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